No breaches.

No ransoms.

No worries.

Threat actors know your playbook. That’s why they’re using Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT) to easily sneak past your security stack. Learn about HEAT attacks and scratch them from your list of concerns.

HEAT attacks kill security tech.

Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT) lead to lateral spread throughout networks and successful deployment of malicious payloads like ransomware. They turn browser windows into threat vectors and easily bypass current security technology.

Ultimate HEAT Attack Guide

How can HEAT attacks get around your security stack?

Legacy URL Reputation Evasion (LURE) allows cyber swindlers to evade web categorization and URL reputation.

Techniques like HTML smuggling make inspection by Secure Web Gateways useless.

Attacks delivered through collaboration platforms allow cybercriminals to easily sidestep malicious link analysis engines.

Dynamically generated logos used in phishing sites evade HTTP page and content inspection.

Don’t take our word for it. Check for yourself

Put your security stack to the test and find out if you’re currently vulnerable. Our HEAT Check assessment tool provides a self-service, lightweight penetration assessment to help organizations better understand susceptibility to various HEAT attacks. If vulnerable, we’ll share how to make these attacks never happen.

Make HEAT attacks never happen.

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