Secure cloud applications. Check.

Providing the remote workforce with direct and secure access to SaaS platforms, without interruption.

The cloud is where work happens. That’s why we protect it.

Delivers only safe content to endpoints.

All native email content is discarded in disposable containers using stateless web sessions, leaving employees with only the good stuff


Delivering enhanced data protection.

Fully integrated Data Loss Prevention features with built-in data classifiers in addition to upload controls to SaaS apps.


Preserving the user experience.

Protecting productivity is the goal, that’s why we operate behind the scenes and out of sight for employees, retaining the native user experience.

We protect how employees work today.

Don’t chase after threats via detect and response. Isolation is the power behind our platform, neutralizing malware before it gets in. Every time.

Deliver a great user experience. Our platform is build to elastically scale to as many users as needed on-demand with 99.9995% availability.

We give users safe access to SaaS platforms while providing security teams with the deep visibility and control they need to stop malware in its tracks. Our isolation-based approach allows users to securely access modern applications while eliminating the need to backhaul Internet traffic to a central data center.

Modern work requires modern CASB security.

We don’t create barriers, we help work get done. Here’s how…

Get the full picture of what you need to secure.

Tap into comprehensive analytics and reporting that features enhanced cloud app visibility and discovery, resulting in shutting the door on unsanctioned apps.

Shadow IT doesn’t stand a chance.

We make sure there’s no workaround in the network by providing controls on sanctioned and unsanctioned applications, and the ability to monitor and control user sessions in real time.

Protection from today’s threat landscape.

Our threat prevention is built for the modern, perimeterless business. It features our document isolation, content scanning, and integrated DLP solutions.

Solutions for your biggest security challenges.

Eliminate phishing and ransomware

Protect the most important business tool from hard-to-spot attacks.

Control access to SaaS applications

Fast, reliable, and secure access to critical platforms, from anywhere.

Implement Secure Access Service Edge

Enable the business with a new security architecture built for the cloud.

Secure Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace

Protect productivity for employees, wherever business takes them.

Secure remote users

Provide work without limits, while taking malware off the table.

Our customers trust our Zero Trust approach.

At Hiposa, we set out to solve the biggest security challenges for leading organizations around the globe.

My job is to add the word ‘safely’ to the end of everything the business wants to do.

CISO of a top 5 global banking group

Rewriting technologies are security of the future.