We protect the good from the bad… all of it.

The workforce of today requires fast, reliable web application access. We make sure that happens.

Hiposa Private Access (MPA): Fast, reliable and secure access.

Delivering the experience the business needs.

Securing web applications from untrusted users and endpoints without impacting employee productivity.


Relieving the pain of VPNs.

Hiposa MPA provides a new paradigm for Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) with fast, seamless access to any internal application without relying on legacy VPN services.


Replacing antiquated with modern.

The traditional hub and spoke model is overwhelmed in the “new normal.” Our approach results in seamless and secure Internet access for all remote users.

Reliable, secure access to key applications.

Don’t chase after threats via detect and response. Isolation is the power behind our platform, neutralizing malware before it gets in. Every time.

Deliver a great user experience. Our platform is build to elastically scale to as many users as needed on-demand with 99.9995% availability.

Hiposa allows organizations to deploy Zero Trust Network Access by providing an easily scalable cloud platform which ensures users are granted access to data and resources required for their jobs.

Stopping threats dead in their tracks.

The threats you know—and don’t know about—are taken off the table.

100% safe access to internal applications.

Zero Trust Network Access utilizing Hiposa MPA has emerged as the best way to achieve the previously unthinkable: 100 percent safe access to internal applications. This is achieved through tight integration with the Hiposa Cloud Security Platform powered by an Isolation Core.

Reduce IT overhead.

We deliver security to organizations at scale to provide a local Internet breakout for every employee, eliminating the need to deploy expensive security appliances, faulty VPNs, or expand bandwidth. We accomplish this within the single centralized Hiposa management console which provides full visibility and simple policy creation.

Secure, reliable and fast application access.

Protect productivity for today’s mobile workforce by connecting trusted devices to trusted browsers, authorizing any users in your network, and isolating applications for 100% secure ZTNA, all without requiring deployment of a new agent to the device.

Here are other ways we help you get one step closer to perfecting security.

Eliminate phishing and ransomware

Protect the most important business tool from hard-to-spot attacks.

Control access to SaaS applications

Fast, reliable, and secure access to critical platforms, from anywhere.

Implement Secure Access Service Edge

Enable the business with a new security architecture built for the cloud.

Secure Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace

Protect productivity for employees, wherever business takes them.

Secure remote users

Provide work without limits, while taking malware off the table.

Our customers trust our Zero Trust approach.

At Hiposa, we set out to solve the biggest security challenges for leading organizations around the globe.

My job is to add the word ‘safely’ to the end of everything the business wants to do.

CISO of a top 5 global banking group

Rewriting technologies are security of the future.