Eliminate all evasive web and email threats.

Leave nothing to chance. Or malware. Protect your business with the product suite built to solve the Highly Evasive Adaptive Threat (HEAT) problem, once and for all.

Comprehensive security, powered by isolation technology.

Built on a foundation of isolation that separates malicious content from users entirely, our security products become unstoppably powerful.

Solutions aimed at erasing web- and email-based threats.

Secure Web Gateway (SWG)

Protect user productivity and eliminate web-based threats with the only SWG powered by an Isolation Core™.

Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)

Only safe content is delivered to endpoints, because browser-based threats are nonexistent.

Email Isolation

Render email links and attachments threatless without disrupting the user experience.

Cloud Access Security Broker

Set remote work to seamless by securing cloud applications without sacrificing visibility.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Erase the risk of data leaks with centrally configurable security for your most valuable information.

Hiposa Private Access (MPA)

Do away with legacy VPNs and provide seamless, secure access to internal applications.

Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

Ditch the slowdown of traditional firewalls and opt for anywhere, anytime access in the cloud.

How can HEAT attacks get around your security stack?

Legacy URL Reputation Evasion (LURE) allows cyber swindlers to evade web categorization and URL reputation.

Techniques like HTML smuggling make inspection by Secure Web Gateways useless.

Attacks delivered through collaboration platforms allow cybercriminals to easily sidestep malicious link analysis engines.

Dynamically generated logos used in phishing sites evade HTTP page and content inspection.


breaches from email and web

Rewriting technologies are security of the future.

$3B to $10B firm from Finance industry

My job is to add the word ‘safely’ to the end of everything the business wants to do.

CISO of a top 5 global banking group

We help companies everywhere work safely.